7. Wise words

Well, I’ve given a fair bit of advice on approaches to writing on the other pages of the site. But the concrete steps I’ve described won’t suit all types of reader/learner. Different types prefer to learn in different ways, of course. Inspiration is never an exact science, is it? If it were, you’d be able to run controlled experiments in it, get a qualification and put it on your CV, wouldn’t you? ‘I have a degree in Inspiration!’

Anyway, for those of you who didn’t find what you wanted/needed on the other pages, those who are still searching for the elusive and ethereal, the wise words and insights below might provide you with a signpost towards or tantalising glimpse of what you’re looking for. They may stimulate and catalyse your thinking… change your approach to writing… and ultimately help your writing? Otherwise, they’re just witty quotes/quotations about writing and creativity to amuse you:

1. You need a dialogue to create. (James Dyson, British inventor)

2. Writing is a learn-by-doing process. You can ask for all the advice in the world, but until you sit down and start doing it, you won’t learn anything about it. (Daniel Darlington, author of The Coven)

3. Tell me and I forget – show me and I may remember – let me do it, and I learn. Learning through making works! (Prue Leith, British chef and trainer)

4. You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club. (Jack London, author)

5. Writing is like a lump of coal. Put it under enough pressure and polish it enough and you might just end up with a diamond. Otherwise, you can burn it to keep warm. (A J Dalton, author of the Flesh & Bone Trilogy)

6. Only those things are beautiful which are inspired by madness and written by reason. (Andre Gide)

7. A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. (Confucius)

8. Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. (Thomas Edison, scientist and inventor)

9. Small raindrops in sufficient quantity can move a boulder. (from The Art of War by Sun Tzu)

10. What we want is a story that starts with an earthquake and builds to a climax. (Samuel Goldwyn)

11. It’s like being in the last mile of a marathon race. You still can’t see the line, you’re more tired than at any other point in the race and you’re starting to get cramp. What are you going to do? Give up or break through the pain? (A J Dalton, author of the Flesh & Bone Trilogy)

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