2. Necromancer’s Betrayal

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Book two of the Flesh & Bone Trilogy is called Necromancer’s Betrayal. It was released at the start of July 2009.

You can see reviews and previews on Amazon: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Necromancers-Betrayal-Book-Flesh-Trilogy/dp/143899365X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1248545132&sr=8-1

You may prefer to watch this video of AJDalton being interviewed about the sequel to Necromancer’s Gambit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKZA9BQ73ic.

Otherwise, you can read the full synopsis to Necromancer’s Betrayal below:

Having been taken to the brink of apocalypse (in Necromancer’s Gambit), the kingdom of Dur Memnos enjoys several years of peace under the reign of its new leader, Saltar. New homes are built and families are started, all with the blessing of the gods…

Then the palace is attacked by a mysterious enemy. Saltar’s young child is spirited away during the chaos and the Battle-leader sets out in pursuit of those responsible. At the same time, a series of sudden, brutal attacks occur against the major temples in the kingdom. The followers of the god of knowledge and wisdom, Cognis, are entirely wiped out and everything lurches sideways. The pantheon of the gods itself is in danger.

Saltar’s wife, Kate, becomes the caretaker ruler in Saltar’s absence and desperately tries to track down the invisible and ancient enemy of the gods. She dispatches the necromancer Mordius and the Guardian Strap to the Old Place to consult the witch there. But the witch demands a terrible price for her help.

Saltar doggedly pursues the kidnappers, with the help of his friend the Scourge, the royal musician Lucius, the priest Altibus and a handful of men. As they head north, their numbers gradually dwindle. Saltar is all alone by the time he reaches the wintery fastness that holds a terrible secret. Can one lost soul tip the balance when the gods use the earth for a battlefield? What can just one man do?

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4 comments on “2. Necromancer’s Betrayal

  1. “Saltar doggedly pursues the kidnappers, with the help of his friend the Scourge, the royal musician Lucius, the priest Altibus and a handful of men. As they head north, their numbers gradually dwindle. Saltar is all alone by the time he reaches the wintery fastness that holds a terrible secret”

    hello Adz. Don’t you think this bit is a spoiler? giving too much of the plot away? I reckon reading that before the book encourages people not to get too involved with those characters cos you know they will npt be there come the end.

    More than likely I’m wrong, but that did jump out at me.

    anyway, hope all is going well, lots of book signings, that’s got to be good news. Unfortunately I’m not back for the York one or I’d have come along to say hello.

    take care mate


  2. This is a fair point from the Webbmeister, and he is stupidly well-read. Bit stuck between this and that on the synopsis, really, cos publishers want the whole shape of the story, whereas readers should be left guessing. Still, my readers will know that nothing’s straightforward in my writing, plot included. I’ll keep pondering the wisdom of the Webberooni, however.

  3. Paul, trust Adam…. once you start reading you’ll not be able to do anything but get involved in the charcters… and things are never as straight forward as they seem…….. wonderful stuff!
    Not that I really know anything…but! Time a publisher picked this talent up.

  4. Ok Adam you havent got a Page for Necromancers Fall so will have to put it here.

    One…. i’m very very lucky and privilaged and get to read each chapter as it is completed.

    Two…. so i have read all of Necromancers Betrayal and it is extremely good and i cant wait until its published and can read it again in its proper little jacket.

    Three… i’ve just read chapter 1 of Necromancers Fall (Book 3 of The Flesh and Bone Trilogy)…oh my what a start! The books just get better and better. Adams talent is extraudinary and seemingly infinite! Chapter 2 please asap!

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