3. Necromancer’s Fall

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Book three in the Flesh & Bone Trilogy is Necromancer’s Fall (ISBN 9781 4520 45108). It was released Aug 2010 and weighs in at 152,000 words.

Here’s the artwork for the book cover. Ollie the artist went for a medieval world-view feel for this one.

Necromancer’s Fall is available from Amazon, Waterstones, and so on and so forth, etc. However, if you can’t find a copy or want a signed copy, drop me a line and we can do something as old-fashioned as using the national postal service.

Here’s the synopsis:

The demon realm is rising…

The Demon-King is coming…

These are the last days for humankind.

Weakened in its struggles against the necromancer king (in Necromancer’s Gambit) and the crazed blood-mages (in Necromancer’s Betrayal), the pantheon of the gods is no longer strong enough to protect the mortal realm from both the enemies that exist within and the terrors that exist beyond. 

Demons begin to break through into the mortal realm and Saltar and his companions start a desperate battle to stem the tide. When Saltar is tragically poisoned, there are none left to prevent the Demon-King from leading his army into the mortal realm.

Seeking to safeguard his body, Saltar’s companions make a desperate last stand in the ancient city of Corinus, but are hopelessly outnumbered. One by one they fall until only Saltar’s lost soul remains.

So begins the rule of the Demon-King.


You can of course get hold of Necromancer’s Fall on Amazon. I wouldn’t rule out coming back to Dur Memnos one day. If I ever do write that next Dur Memnos book, it’s likely to be called Son of Jaffra: Book One of the Lost Gods Trilogy. Amen.

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5 comments on “3. Necromancer’s Fall

  1. The start of Necromancers Fall is stunning! August 2010 seems to be a long way off but will be worth the wait…according to my psychic abilities! If chapter 1 is any indication of the quality of the story and the writing we are on for one hell of a ride!

  2. I have read Fantasy in all forms over the past 30 years and will honestly say I think it is terrific that you write characters in such an immediate and engaging way, I agree with the comments about drawn out sagas with books, but found the exception to this rule to be Robert Jordan’s Wheel of time series (may he R.I.P) as I have never found books of such depth before, the Dune Saga was exceptional too apart from the spin offs written by the son (prequels).

    I hope you have a long and industrious career ahead of you in your genre as I think in the main the Fantasy genre has been quite stagnant (I will not even deign to mention the H.Potter series as a member of this genre as the last 4 books were written to sell to a more adult audience and to milk the gravy train as much as possible by stretching what could have been a 2-3 book series into a 7 book saga with lots of fluff in between) as a talent like yourself really needs a bit more marketing to elevate you into the public awareness, maybe this will happen if your 2nd book in this series sells well (I am happy to say I got a signed copy of your first one).

    I wish you all the best in your endeavours 🙂

  3. Jordan is an interesting case. I am/was a massive fan of his Conan stuff as a kid. The Wheel of Time. Hmm. I immensely enjoyed the first half a dozen but then felt I’d read the same story several times over. Book 7 seemed the same as book 6. But is that the point? The Wheel goes full circle. Was Jordan actually making a metaphysical statement about the cultural role of an author? Does the author repeat the same tales and cultural identities/characters? Whichever, the quality of Jordan’s writing was high, and it was merely the plot motifs that repeated. My real beef is with the likes of writers like Goodkind (or should I blame his publisher?) who are knowingly putting out books of a lower quality than before.

    • Adam, very good points put forward, although there is a recurring theme throughout WoT from jordan, the feeling I get from his books is evolution, there are static periods where-in the main characters seem to stand still whilst other matters revolve around them but do not touch directly onto them and active periods where the main chracters slowly and then with gathering momentum seem to push forward through their plotline.

      It is with that style of writing that I feel he has frustrated some of his fans and delighted others, it verges on genius in my opinion that a writer has enough of a feel for the characters and story he is weaving that he can give it the touch that makes the story ebb and flow but I feel that style is what makes him different from other authors.

      In contrast the thing I like about your style of writing is the immediacy and urgency that seems to flow through your characters, all of them seem on the verge of exploding forwards at a moments notice the sense of a pent-up energy awaiting release, the challenge to convey this sense of urgency in the genre of fantasy must be quite diffcult to balance especially as every page of your first book gave this impression, an explosion of life and wanting to live/think and breathe surging against a foe looking to stifle life in all forms.

      Chaos versus Order is how I thought of your first book, with Chaos being the victor and
      life continuing unabated.

      I am not a writer and would not know where to even begin so hold a profound respect for a person whom can actually sit down and put pen to paper to convey the story they have held in the back of their minds.

  4. Yup, very fair points. The world seems to revolve around Jordan’s characters…like Jim Taggart in one of his mysteries. He simply turns up, announces ‘It’s murder!’ and the whole story weaves itself around him without him every taking his hands out of his pocket or cracking a smile. It works. He is a living catalyst but never actually does anything: rather, he’s just present like a watching god.

    Thanks for the insights about my writing style. I have to agree. And kind words, which I’m never averse to. Ho, ho. Chaos being the victor? Wait till you read the opening of Necromancer’s Betrayal. Absolute bedlam. Mayhem. And then a pellmell, hurtling, chaotic rush all the way to the end. A million…no, a zillion…miles an hour! One agent sent it back saying it was just too much for her. Ah me! What it is to be a misunderstood author.

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